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Is Jurassic Park a Feminist Film?

Movies are a lot like dreams. Where things that couldn't happen do happen. Often the characters overcome impossible obstacles and heroically save the damsel in an explosion, or they kill 100 thugs.
Is Jurassic Park a Feminist Film?
Is Jurassic Park a Feminist Film?

First off: Jurassic Park is a wonderfully entertaining series, I've watched it many times. Film is a reflection of culture, and culture is largely patriarchal. Bad is another thought altogether. In this blog, I'm posing an argument, and of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion. I think it's interesting to note that in the melting pot we live in today includes all sorts of subjects which people don't want to talk about, or even think about. The following entry is based on the first movie in the "Jurassic Park" series, it lightly makes references to the book, but the book is not the focus of this piece.

The Jurassic Park Fantasy

Jurassic Park is the ultimate Hollywood franchise. It took a theme that was formerly marketed through educational institutions as a form of entertainment for children and turned it into a creature feature, a literal monster. It presents the Zeitgeist of genetic technology as a corporate form of entertainment. It allegorically makes fun of the Hollywood industry through clever lines hidden throughout the series. The lawyer in the first Jurassic Park makes references to coupon day, merchandising, and theme park rides. Which is exactly what the Hollywood franchise has done by creating theme park rides in Orlando Florida, and selling official Jurassic Park(™) merchandise at your local toy store. Claire, the female lead in Jurassic World, makes references to how the theme parks audience wants to see bigger and scarier Dinosaurs, so the fictional scientists invent one; which becomes the basis for Jurassic World’s plot. Allegorically, the Hollywood franchise Jurassic Park discovered that it’s real-life audience wanted to see bigger and scarier dinosaurs. As the film series progresses Hollywood participates in inventing or even exaggerating Dinosaurs. For example, Velociraptors are half the size they are in the Jurassic Park series. The Diloposaurus in Jurassic Park 3 was exaggerated from being a fish-eating dinosaur to a larger and more intimidating version of the T-Rex. Jurassic Park is a fun analogy of corporate Hollywood itself. If they ever need more money they can figuratively invent a new dinosaur just like the scientists in their movies. Hollywood movies, in general, are notorious for their focus on conservative values and objectified female roles. The first movie of the Jurassic Park series accidentally contradicts the traditional patriarchal film structure.

Gender in Film and Jurassic Park

When we are discussing filmmakers and their intent, we must note that the intent of the artist is not important, one can create something and have it interpreted an entirely different way. Georgia O'Keefe painted her flowers with the intent to portray something which was "small and overlooked", but the critics interpreted her flowers as sexual orophices. This is also the beauty of psychoanalysis, the fantasy is subconscious, it's reflected by the authors' world views. A movie has a plot, and characters, and dialogue, that all based on the Authors environment. They are symbolic representations of the psyche portrayed in a visible form. Movies are a lot like dreams. Where things that couldn't happen do happen. Often the characters overcome impossible obstacles and heroically save the damsel in an explosion, or they kill 100 thugs. We all have dreams, male and female. What do movies tell us about ourselves? It's interesting to note how society has developed this form of entertainment as a subconscious reflection of themselves, a reflection of a societies belief system(s), of its pleasures and desires, its wishes, the things that are troubling a society at a given historical time period. Film offers a glimpse into what we think about ourselves. A successful film reverberates within the society that produced it. Movies, even the ones based in reality such as biographical films, are role-play. One is pretending to be someone else, fantasizing about being someone else. Movies are anything but reality, they're dreams. Proof of the fantasy lies in the scopophilic gaze. In Laura Mulvey's influential essay "Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema"[1] she expands on the concept arguing that women in cinema are typically depicted in a passive role that provides visual pleasure through scopophilia; the act of deriving pleasure from looking.[2] Almost every Hollywood movie includes a slow-motion scene of the female lead throwing back her hair, or a camera zoom over her body parts. It is almost as if the audience is like a peeping tom through a window. It’s a figurative window into an unreal universe, like that of a dream or a fantasy.

The role of the Female Lead in Jurassic Park

The female lead's role in most movies is that of a damsel, or to be punished for her sexual liberation, often as both. The male hero is more often than not attempting to “win” over the damseled female. The redeeming qualities of a female lead tend to be that she ends up with the hero whom chivalrously sacrificed his well being to save her. Through some arduous journey the hero ends up proving his worthiness to said female, and she redemptively ends up with the male hero, which is the case of the Jurassic World. The female lead may exist as a sexually promiscuous character, who, throughout her journey is continually punished for her promiscuity. It’s almost as if the male fantasy does not allow for female sexual liberation. Mulvey asserts: "In their traditional exhibitionist role women are simultaneously looked at and displayed, with their appearance coded for strong visual and erotic impact so that they can be said to connote to-be-looked-at-ness”,[3] and as a result contends that a woman in film is the "bearer of meaning, not maker of meaning."[4]

Unlike most movies, the first Jurassic Park film which was based on the book written by Michael Crichton, may be one of the few movies that lacks the traditional misogynist qualities. On first glance, Jurassic Park appears to be a feminist movie. Dr. Sattler has a lead role, she’s the maker of meaning, not the bearer of meaning. Jurassic Park lacks the fundamentals of female objectification in movies. There’s only one scene where Dr. Sattler is “connoting to be looked at ness”; the dino poop scene where Dr. Malcolm and Dr. Grant are discussing the idea of marriage. The female lead is equal to Dr. Alan Grant, now while she's outnumbered in the male to female ratio, Dr. Sattler is not there to take off her clothes, and Dr. Grant is not attempting to prove his worthiness as a mate by saving her from damsel situations, Dr. Sattler is not being punished for her sexual liberation, or being punished any more than her male counterparts are. This movie is a male fantasy in a different light.

Feminist quote from Jurassic Park

 Dr. Ian Malcolm, “God creates dinosaurs, god destroys dinosaurs, God creates man, man destroys god, man creates dinosaur”... after a pause Dr. Ellie Sattler states “dinosaurs eat man, woman inherits the earth.”[5] 

We have to keep in mind that Michael Crichton is a notorious conservative, he's famous for discrediting the Green Movement by challenging the scientific data in its infancy. His famous science fiction Novel “State of Fear”, poses that the global warming debate is fueled by self-interest, eco-activists, and eco-terrorists abusing scientific data in order to fuel a state of fear. Like many of Crichton's books, “State of Fear” is a fictional work that uses a mix of speculation and real-world data as fundamental storyline devices. It only makes sense that Jurassic Park would follow a similar outline. The plot is heavily influenced by genetic modification, something which is a recent scientific discovery. Crichton aims to question the legitimacy of genetic technology and its application in real life. The movie goes through the process of cloning, how the scientists brought Dinosaurs back to life using mosquito DNA and mixing it with other species. Here is where the theme of Jurassic Park unfolds.

The characters say things like “life will find a way”, they question the act of creation, and whether or not it’s man’s role to play god. Jurassic Park is unique in this sense. Jurassic Park represents the American public’s subconscious fear of genetic technology, a fantasy being re-enacted in front of our very eyes. It serves to exemplify our fears where the human interaction and the distortion of the ‘natural’ order of things only results in utter destruction, that we have no idea of what we are getting ourselves into. Jurassic Park also plays with the common idea of corporations as a form of evil, where their intent to monetize everything results in chaos.

The layers in Jurassic Park

The definition of patriarchy is the control over women's reproductive rights. The dinosaurs are all female, they’re locked up in cages. Their sexual rights are “controlled” by a group of rich males. The movie plays on the anecdotal feminist paradise. The all-female dino island is a literal aberration to God, and as a punishment, man is punished for attempting to control the awe-inspiring power of nature. The unisex form of birth control, which is supposed to prevent the dinosaurs from ever forming their own societies, has been inexplicably replaced by what appears to be the will of God. The audiences castration anxiety literally takes over the traditional conventions of the ‘theme park’.[7] Everyone is eaten alive because they attempted to mess with the 'natural' order of things. As Dr. Malcolm puts it, ‘life finds a way’,[6]  and the dinosaurs magically change sexes. Finally, when the ‘phallic’ makes an appearance, the castration anxiety is put to rest.

Towards the end of the movie, Dr. Grant explains how the power of nature corrected the Dinosaurs. The audience is comforted, no longer in a state of panic by the unnatural island, everything is in the right place, and now the human involvement only intrudes on the ‘natural’ order of things - it's time for the characters to leave. The dino-society is self-sustaining, the human interaction as impregnator playing God is now unnecessary. The Dinosaurs have moved on from in vitro fertilization to the ‘real’ thing.

Disagree? Leave your reply in the comments.

[1]  Laura Mulvey. "Peeping Tom". Retrieved August 27, 2010.

[2] Erens, Patricia. "Introduction", Issues in Feminist Film Criticism. Patricia Erens, ed. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1990. pp. xvii.

[3] Erens, P. (1990). Issues in Feminist Film Criticism. Indiana University Press. p. 28. ISBN 9780253319647. Retrieved October 27,2014.

[4] Erens, P. (1990). Issues in Feminist Film Criticism. Indiana University Press. p. 28. ISBN 9780253319647. Retrieved October 27,2014.

[5] Jurassic Park. CIC Video, 1994. Film.

[6] Jurassic Park. CIC Video, 1994. Film.

[7] Schwartz, Bernard J. (1955) The measurement of castration anxiety and anxiety over loss of love. Journal of Personality, 24 204-219.

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20 comments on “Is Jurassic Park a Feminist Film?”

    1. this may be true, but that's not whats wrong with the world. There are other things wrong with the world, like genocide.I'm not sure if you've been reading the reviews, but most are leaning this direction.

    2. Yeah no, sorry it's not. Here's a thought though, males have a predefined gender role too, in every culture in the world, it's not socially acceptable for men to cry. There are things that are required of both sexes that result in stereotypes.

    3. It's a fucking movie stop trying to make something out it. That's what's wrong with the world someone always has to be offended by something. Get over yourselfs not everything is meant to mean to someone

    4. I'm not trying to make anything into anything. What's wrong with the world is all sorts of things HAPPEN and all sorts of people don't want to hear about it. It pisses you off? GOOD.

    5. I didn't say you were but someone somewhere saw this movie and got there underwear in a bunch over a movie. Not everyone is racist and not everyone is a sexist

    6. I didn't get my underwear anywhere. I think it's funny. Interesting. I never said everyone was a racist or a sexist. This is a bland article, I arguably pointed one finger at hollywood, which is old news. I love movies, and jurassic park is remarkably entertaining. For lots of reasons. The high art community says I shouldn't waste my time with "commercial" criticism, but that's too elitist. I appreciate all feedback, so please elaborate what exactly I said that was so bad, or misplaced. A statement that begins with everyone is a fallacy, it's too broad. Now most movies are completely made up right? They're not real even though they have a basis in reality? And I'm not sure how many academy awards have been won by females, or how many directors are female. So how is it not a fair statement to say that movies are male fantasies? Take a look at let's say most movies ever. But why is it wrong to be a fantasy, it didn't happen on purpose? 50 shades of grey is the "imago Christi" or the female fantasy, maybe that's next?

  1. It is interesting how feminist interpretation of pretty much anything seems to get the male audience (at least some part of it) roaring in disagreement. I don't see many women stating their disagreement, just maybe because most of them identify themselves as feminists.

    I'm not an expert on feminist theory (or psychoanalysis for that matter), so feel free to correct me. I'll throw in my two Euro cents anyway.

    "So how is it not a fair statement to say that movies are male fantasies? Take a look at let’s say most movies ever."

    This is in my opinion an oversexualized interpretation. I'm not saying (as most commenters before me) that "it's just a movie about dinosaurs, get over it!" Obviously it's Not "just a movie about X", just like a book, say Pride and Prejudice, is just a book about pride and prejudice. However, popular culture is so ubiquitous nowadays that its consumers seem to have the need to justify it "just" as popular culture so that no thought work would be required. And I kind of understand it, it's easier to write angry and brainless comments in the internet than actually respond with counter-arguments. Also, I can't personally say much about the film's feminism as it's been so long time since I've seen it (probably need to watch it again with a pair of feminist eyeglasses next time).

    But, back to my argument. Let's admit it: watching good movies is pleasurable. That's why they are watched and made. However, I disagree that this pleasure is necessarily "sexual". Men who write scripts, direct films, do filmography don't do that to simplistically maximize the audience's sexual pleasure - unless, of course, its porn what they are making.

    So, all movies have scopophilic gaze because that's what movies are made for. In my opinion subconscious sexual desires are a big hoax and myth by Freud. In the subconscious there is only the primitive desire for pleasure and avoidance of pain, it's their personal and cultural interpretations that make them specifically sexual.

    1. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I truly appreciate your feedback. This is a valid statement, "(movies are not made with the intent of being sexual)". And of course when Lacan and Freud discuss pleasure, it's broken down in relation to "Jouissance", which is a broad term for sexual pleasure that encompasses all pleasure. When we are discussing film makers and their intent, we must note that the intent of the artist is not important, one can create something and have it interpreted an entirely different way. Georgia O'Keefe intended to paint her flowers as something which was "small and overlooked", but the critics interpreted her flowers as sexual orophices. Stating that most movies are "male fantasies" is also a broad statement, but this also the beauty of psychoanalysis, the fantasy part is subconscious, it's determined by the authors world views. A movie has a plot, and characters, and dialogue, that all represent what the author thinks. They are symbolic representations of the psyche, portrayed in a visible form. Movies are a lot like dreams. Where things that couldn't happen in reality, do happen. Often the characters overcome impossible obstacles and heroically save the damsel in an explosion, or they kill 100 thugs to save their lover. We all have dreams, male and female. If I were a filmmaker, this theory would help me create hit movies. What do movies tell us about ourselves? Movies are pleasurable to watch, they're intended to be entertaining, people like watching sex scenes(and remember that all pleasure is some degree of sexual). It's interesting to note how society has developed this form of entertainment as a subconscious reflection of themselves, of a societies belief system(s), of its pleasures and desires, its wishes, the things that are troubling a society at a given historical time period. Film emerges out of the dust into the light, it represents a societies nightmares, it offers a glimpse into what we think about ourselves. Successful films reverberate with the society that produced them. Movies, even the ones based in reality, such as biographical films, are psychological role-play, where one is pretending, fantasizing about being someone else, or having super powers, or having sex with a beautiful woman(or man). Movies are anything but reality, they're dreams. There are female fantasies, but the overt film community is dominated by men. It happened organically, this isn't a conscious decision, is a subconscious role that emerged from thousands of years of gender definitions.

      1. Well I think they were good in provoking thought. I think we should do a series of dialogic letter/blog posts or something, I enjoyed doing mini-research for my comment and now really want to see if I can "find" feminism in Jurassic Park on my next watch 🙂

          1. Thanks! I will soon watch Jurassic Park and try and reply again after that 🙂

  2. ("them" in the last sentence referring to the bodily feelings arising from viewing the movies' scenes)

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